Recent News

Did you know? Poe House

Jun 16th, 2017

Did you know that the name of Baltimore’s professional football team, the Ravens, was inspired by writer Edgar Allen Poe’s short story The Raven,  and that Poe actually lived right here in B

Alexander Hamilton: The Man Who Made Modern America

Mar 29th, 2017

Good news! There is now a brand-new, FREE traveling exhibition located at the War Memorial Building entitled “Alexander Hamilton: The Man Who Made Modern America”.

Hamilton Exhibit

Employee of the Month: February

Mar 16th, 2017

Congratulations Reginald Winchester: You are the February 2017 DGS Employee of the Month!

Sharkey with Reggie

Employee of the Month: January

Feb 1st, 2017

Congratulations Dominic DeMarco: You are the January 2017 DGS Employee of the Month!

Nick Demarco - Employee of the Month

Back to the Future – Baltimore Edition

Feb 1st, 2017

Submitted by: Varghese Paranilam

Staff at Flag House Tour


Feb 1st, 2017

Submitted by Laurie Blumberg

DGS Fleet Management to host Baltimore City Automotive Program Students at Open House

Dec 6th, 2016

Who:      Department of General Services, Fleet Management Division

Fire Engine Oil Change
